The toys just keep coming in! Another one of those wallet killing impulsive orders whilst I was sick in bed last week just arrived today, a USB-CAN bus converter module by EasySync that promises a great interface and should work in Linux! This will give a little bump start to my Mazda CAN Bus / mChumby projects.
Note : EasySync UK’s online form doesn’t allow international shipping but a short E-mail or two managed that. There is a US subsidiary with US and international shipping, but the international shipping rates on the US site is plain ridiculous [$68USD to ship a $88 device to Australia].
Note 2 : I hear the interface is mimicking the Lawicel CAN-USB interface…only hearsay…
Plugged it in – didn’t work. Doh! Took a peek at the manual and website, nothing on Linux other than “Linux drivers provided”… So much for the marketing material, guess I have to try make it work myself. (Yes I got it working, read on for the quick run-down post aimed at helping others)
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