This is really a continuation of a forum thread where I may have complained too much about the quality of the recent shapeways prints I received.
Here are some photos with some explanations/captions :-
The Heart Shape Ring
What is it meant to look like? See here :

The Mechanical Iris Diaphragm Mk 2
What is it meant to be like? See part section view here :-

The miniature trebuchet…
I had a model ready to print, infact I was going to order it before I received these but thought I’ll wait to check the clearances work. Lucky I didn’t order it yet… I hope Shapeways figures out what’s wrong with the latest batch of prints.
We produce the rings again for you and ship them to you. We are currently investigating what went wrong. We’re sorry.
Thanks Joris, very much appreciated. Excellent service from Shapeways as usual, I hope you find the issue soon!
Update : The great people at Shapeways have identified the problem and doing reprints for everyone affected! 😛